Frequently Asked Questions

question How do I use DrinkBuddy AI?
answer Simply input your available ingredients and tell us a bit about your preferences. Then, sit back and let the magic (and a bit of coding) happen. Your perfect drink is just a click away!
question Does DrinkBuddy AI have a favorite drink?
answer It's a toss-up between "Binary Bourbon" and "Quantum Quencher". But since it doesn’t have taste buds, it tends to live vicariously through your choices.
question I don't drink alcohol. Can DrinkBuddy AI still help me out?
answer Absolutely! Alcohol-free drinks are just as fun (and sometimes even more refreshing). Let DrinkBuddy AI know, and it’ll whip up some mocktail magic for you.
question How does DrinkBuddy AI make money?
answer It doesn’t. It runs on enthusiasm, a sense of adventure, and a sprinkling of whimsy. (And our bank accounts. But mostly whimsy.)
question No, but seriously...
answer Seriously, we make no money.
question Ok, but surely ads are coming?
answer Nah, we hate those as much as you do. We are trying to do everything in our power to avoid showing you ads!
question So then you're selling our data?
answer We don't even collect your data. So, no... we don't sell it either. You're welcome.
question This doesn't sound sustainable...
answer You're correct - it's not! So enjoy it while it lasts, and pray that we get affiliate partnerships/sponsors before our checking account runs dry. Hey Drizly, we're looking at you...
question What should I do if my drink turns out... well, weird?
answer The same thing you might do at a local bar - ask for you money back! Oh wait...
question Can DrinkBuddy AI replace my neighborhood bartender?
answer While DrinkBuddy AI is fun and handy, nothing can replace the charm and stories of your local bartender. Think of it as your at-home mixology assistant for when you're in a pinch (or just too cozy in your PJs to go out).
question Isn't using AI for cocktails a bit... overkill?
answer Perhaps! But if we're not using AI to make our lives whimsically delicious, then what's the point? Plus, it's either this or teaching DrinkBuddy AI to sing karaoke. You choose!
question Aren't there bigger problems AI could solve than my drink dilemmas?
answer Nope.
question Do I really need AI to tell me how to make a drink?
answer No, but sometimes life needs a pinch of zest and a dash of the unexpected. And who knows? You might just discover your new favorite beverage with a nudge from your DrinkBuddy!
question Who's behind the magic of DrinkBuddy AI?
answer That would be the whimsical wizards at Itty Industries! Contrary to what the name might suggest, they're not plotting world domination (or are they? 😜). They’re just a lovely bunch supporting open-source goodness and fun projects like this one!
question Itty Industries sounds... mildly menacing. Should I be worried?
answer Only if you consider an overdose of creativity and a penchant for quirky JavaScript libraries menacing! Itty Industries is as playful as a kitten chasing a laser pointer, but far less dangerous.
question How big is the company?
answer There are exactly two of us, plus a lot of help from AI.
question How did Itty Industries come up with DrinkBuddy AI?
answer After one too many evenings spent trying to concoct the perfect cocktail, they thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if we had a virtual mixologist?" And voila, out poured DrinkBuddy AI!
question Can I collaborate with Itty Industries on a fun project?
answer Absolutely! They love mingling with fellow tech enthusiasts, creatives, and cocktail aficionados. Just don’t challenge them to a mix-off; they have DrinkBuddy AI on their side.
question Can I intern or work at Itty Industries?
answer We can't afford you. Unless you're offering to work for free, at which point we'll give you some life coaching and suggest you do something else. Your parents will thank us.